Welcome to Week 35

Welcome to another week!

State assessments in all grade levels start on Wednesday this week. Here is our testing and other events calendar at a glance. Students have worked hard and we are confident that they will do well on their assessments! 

As parents, you can also help us to make sure our testing season is smooth. We ask that you

  1. Talk to your child about the importance of the test

  2. Ensure your child is at school, on time, on their test day

  3. Ensure your child is comfortable on test day and has had

    • Good night’s sleep
    • Comfortable clothes
    • Good breakfast (free breakfast is served at NES each morning)
  4. Encourage your child to do their best

  5. Remind your child that they have extended time

  6. Tell your child you are proud of them! 

Parent information letters about each assessment and dates are accessible below:

Here is the link to the 3rd Grade F.A.S.T. Parent Information Session that was presented to parents.

Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week

Our Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week is scheduled for May 6-10. Let’s show our teachers and staff some love!!!

Please contact us at robinsont@okee.k12.fl.us if you can help with school-wide celebration. Donations will be accepted for various items during the week of April 29.

Summer School Invites

Summer School invites will be sent home with students on Monday, April 29. This academic summer camp is intended to reinforce the concepts learned during the 2023-2024 school year. Summer school takes place June 3 - June 27 at Yearling Middle School. Spaces are limited - please be sure to turn in your invite ASAP if you are interested in your child attending.

Yearling Middle School 2024-2025 Vocational Choices

Parents, here is a survey for your 5th grade child’s vocational choices for the 2024-2025 school year at Yearling Middle School: YMS 2024-2025 Vocational Choices

Zonewaiver Availability

District zonewaivers are available May 1 - May 20. If your child is currently attending our school out of zone and is in good standing with attendance and discipline, you do NOT need to fill out a new zonewaiver. If your 5th grade student is choosing to attend a middle school that is not in their zone, you MUST complete a zonewaiver. These are available at each school’s office.

Zonewaivers will be accepted based on availability of space.

End of the Year APTT Dates

End of the year APTT (Academic Parent Teacher Team)  meetings are scheduled in conjunction with other events taking place at the end of May. Check it out and save the date!

Space Art Contest

Lieutenant Governor Jeanette Nuñez has announced the launch of the 2024 Florida Space Art Contest. Students in grades K-5 are encouraged to create an art piece inspired by the theme: Suit Up! Florida’s Space Suit of the Future. More information is available at: https://floridaspaceart.com/. All entries are due on May 24, 2024.

Free Breakfast and Lunch       

Here is the menu for the week:



Monday - corn dog mini's / Hawaiian sandwiches


Taco / PBJ


Salisbury Steak / Grilled cheese


Chicken parmesan / Turkey,Pep,& cheese sub


Max sticks / Chicken patty on bun



Hawaiian Sandwich




Grilled cheese


Chicken Tenders


Max Sticks

District Events This Week

Upcoming Dates at Glance

  • 5/1 State Assessments Start
  • 5/1 3rd F.A.S.T. ELA

  • 5/2  4th F.A.S.T. ELA
  • 5/3 5th F.A.S.T. ELA
  • 5/6 Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week
  • 5/6 3rd Level 1 STAR
  • 5/7 5th Grade State Assessment in Science
  • 5/8 3rd F.A.S.T. Math
  • 5/9 4th F.A.S.T. Math
  • 5/10 5th F.A.S.T. Math
  • 5/9 SAC Meeting 4 PM
  • 5/14 1st Grade APTT 8:30 AM
  • 5/14 1st Grade Mothers Day Tea 9 AM
  • 5/14 School Board Meeting 6 PM
  • 5/17 VPK Graduation 
  • 5/20 2nd Grade APTT 11:00 AM
  • 5/21 3rd Grade APTT 8:30 AM
  • 5/21 4th Grade APTT 1:10 PM
  • 5/21 3rd and 4th Grade Awards
  • 5/22 KG Graduation
  • 5/22 KG APTT Following Graduation
  • 5/23 5th Grade Awards and Graduation
  • 5/23 5th Grade APTT Following Graduation
  • 5/24 Early Release Day 11:30 AM
  • 5/27 Holiday - No School
  • 5/28 Teacher Plan Day - No Students

More events can be found at http://nes.okee.k12.fl.us/events

Important Documents

School Safety

All students have access to the Fortify FL reporting app on their Chromebooks. Fortify FL posters posted around campus to remind students they can report suspicious activity at any time using the app.


Dr. Tuuli Robinson

Principal of North Elementary School